July 23 Newsletter

A Message from Revd. Jenny Bland, our Vicar.

After the excitement of Easter (Jesus is risen!), Ascension (Jesus returns to heaven) and Pentecost (receive the Holy Spirit), July sees the church fully into the liturgical season of ‘ordinary time’ following the final festival day ‘Trinity Sunday’ which we celebrated at the beginning of June. It feels almost as if the church has lived through some fairly intense seasons and festivals, and now is the time to breathe and then ‘crack on’ with the work of discipleship. Now is the time to immerse oneself in the stuff of life that God calls us into.

So, I wonder what’s ahead for you this summer? What’s going on in your life or your family life?

For me, Trinity Sunday, feels like a stamp or seal of approval on the church calendar, where all matters are bound up, held, completed in the perfect union and yet mystery of the Trinity - three persons, one God. In a sense, now we can rest, be at peace, get to work on growing, living and thriving as we learn to trust God. Because of this, this season of ordinary time to me feels more like extraordinary time, for the majority of the festivals of this year are behind us and now the fun begins.

With all that comes your way in summer, may you know patience like Advent, joy like Christmas, discipline like Lent, assurance like Easter, purpose and inspiration like Pentecost and peace like Trinity. In every season, in every circumstance may you know God is with you and for you.

A prayer you might like to pray: Loving God, in this month help me to see and hear where you are calling me to. Make this season of ordinary time an extraordinary time where I am aware of you in every circumstance. Show me where you are at work today and help me to be a person of patience, joy, discipline, assurance, purpose and peace. Amen.


What’s on at All Saints Church?

Midweek Worship

Every Wednesday - 9:30am Holy Communion and 8:30pm Compline (or Night Prayer).

On the first Wednesday of the month there is a short service of Holy Communion in the Church Hall at 3pm followed by refreshments - everyone is welcome, we always have new people joining us.

Sunday Services

2nd - 9am Holy Communion, 10am All Age Service with Welcome (after his  Baptism on 4thJune) for Ellis John Beasley.  6pm Evensong and 7pm refreshments for 7:30pm Prayer and Praise.

*Come and welcome and meet our new curate, Chad, his first Sunday is today.

9th - 10am Holy Communion (and 6pm Deanery Evensong at St Leonard’s Church, Hardwick – please see message from Catherine Johnson).

16th - 10am Holy Communion with Baptisms of Giovanna and Reuben)

23rd - 10am Holy Communion, 12.30 pm Private Thanksgiving Service for Harriet.

30th - 10am ‘Church Under the Trees’ with Holy Communion (shorter service outside - bring a chair or blanket).

Everyone is welcome to join us for our services and we warmly encourage children. We have an area with books and toys for families or JaM (Jesus and Me) our children’s group, runs on Sundays in term-time too. Refreshments are served after every Sunday service in the Church Hall.

July Events and Seasonal Services

16th - 7-8:30pm - Youth Group for those in Earls Barton who are 10-16yr old and interested in exploring faith. Contact myself or Sarah Howes for more information: howes_africa@yahoo.com

22nd - Friends of All Saints Event in the Church Hall

26th – Funeral of Gill Constable at All Saints Church – Time to be confirmed.

Please pray for…

Emily and Matt and Gina and Jack as they marry this month. Please also pray for Giovanna and Reuben being baptised this month and for Harriet as she has her thanksgiving service.

Also please pray for the family and friends of Gill Constable, who died in June and whose funeral is on 26th July, time to be confirmed. Finally, please pray for Helen and David as they are licensed as our churchwardens this month, following their re-election in May.

Message from Catherine Johnson and the choir – Please join our choir plus other singers for a Deanery Evensong service to be held at St Leonards Church, Hardwick, on Sunday 9thJuly at 6.00 pm followed by refreshments. All Welcome.


Service Under the Trees On Sunday 25th June, we held our first Outdoor service of the year. Revd Charlie Nobbs asked for any feedback from those of you who were there.

Please send your comments to jill.timms@btinternet.com and I will forward them to Charlie, Jenny and Chad.


Christian Bookclub at Earls Barton Primary School,

Simon Elvin has started this initiative, with backing from the Diocese, which supplied two boxes of appropriate books. The club meets at the school on Wednesday afternoons from 3.30 - 4.15pm during term time. Basically, children just come to pick a book which they can read at the time, and/or take home with them, to return next week. Numbers seem to be growing each week and are currently around 10 pupils. As the books have to be recorded in and out - it is tricky for one adult to run the club on their own. Simon currently has help from Jill Timms, Helen Winrow and Noelle Weiss. Would you like to support this venture? You would need to be DBS checked by the school, even if you have a DBS certificate, as you have one from other organisations, e.g. PCC. You don't have to commit to helping every week - maybe 2 or 3 times a term would be really helpful.

Please hold Simon, the children and the school in your prayers, and contact Simon should you feel inspired to support him!



Message from Helen Winrow, Church Warden.

Thank you to everyone who supported our events at the church on June 11th:

The Plant sale, run by Christine Davis, Margaret Bish, Helen Winrow and Gill Swift, was well supported again this year and raised approx £250 for church funds.

Glynis Harper and Nicola Smith worked incredibly hard to produce beautiful, thought provoking, prayerful information boards and activities based on "Trees" for the quiet day in the church, which again was really well attended.

Plus the Fairtrade Coffee morning was really busy as well (many thanks to the team)


Thank you to David Timms - who has not only been spending a lot of time with contractors recently to arrange the redecoration of the church in August, but has had to multi task following the failure of the main lights on both sides of the church, and the vandalism of the north wall door. Thankfully David managed to get electricians to come fairly promptly to make the lights work again. Thanks also to Paul Winrow, who just happened to be having a day off work when the vandalism to the north door was discovered (the Lord works in mysterious ways!) and was able to make repairs and secure the door, within the day.

Carers Cafe

The next drop-in Carer’s Cafe is scheduled to take place on Saturday 15th July between 10.30 -12.30 in the Church Hall. If you know anyone in the village who is caring for someone and may benefit from some support, please pass this information on to them. We aim to provide a warm and friendly space for carers and offer free refreshments. If anyone would be kind enough to bake something for the Cafe it would be very much appreciated too. The Carers always appreciate the variety of delicious cakes that Church members generously donate. If you can bake something we can arrange to pick it up from you or you are welcome to drop it off at the Church hall on Saturday morning.  

Thank you for your support

Sandra Jordan (01604 466504)

Fairtrade News

Saturday 8th July 10am – 1pm   Fairtrade Café & Secondhand Booksale

Keep popping in to see our special summer offers & new stock…lots of  tasty fairly produced groceries & beautifully ethical gifts  & cards.  Enjoy chatting, browsing our products, & fresh coffee & yummy homemade cakes… We've enjoyed having others join us at our cafes recently, including the Daylight Centre in June, so do let us know if you have a similar charity that might like to do some fundraising alongside us.
Also do remember to bring your recycling items to the shop which helps to raise funds for the Transform Trade charity: Gadgets including mobile phones, cameras (incl film & video), sat navs, game consoles, games & accessories, MP3 players, tablet computers Jewellery: unwanted gold & silver, watches (incl. damaged items) & costume jewellery Currency: all banknotes & coins UK & foreign. Stamps: loose & single stamps, presentation packs. We've raised hundreds of pounds for the charity this way so thank you!
Email: nicky_smithseb@yahoo.co.uk     07812 686944

Wild@ All Saints:

we're in the process of putting up some displays & information boards along the south wall of the church plus 1 or 2 small signs in the churchyard, so do look out for them to find what we are doing and what we are spotting! Can you name all the wildlife pictured? Do contact us if you'd like to know more or offer occasional help. Bob, Nicky & the team 07891 413890


August 23 Newsletter


June 23 Newsletter