August 23 Newsletter

A Message from Revd. Jenny Bland, our Vicar.

 I Don’t Have Time!!

A very wise churchwarden recently told me an anecdote about a young chap and a man in his more senior years, where after being asked for his attention, the younger chap hurriedly told the elderly man “I can’t stop right now, I don’t have time”.

It’s such a common expression, isn’t it?

I find myself thinking it (if not saying it) all the time. Yet, the churchwarden continued that the elderly man replied to him, “you have all the time in the world my son, a whole 24hrs a day - it’s just about where you choose to put your time.”

Thinking on this story, I felt quite empowered. I find all too often that life seems to run 100mph and somehow I’m running like the wind trying to catch up with it - but who said that life has to be manic? Surely the pace we go, we must set ourselves.

A colleague recently told me that in August she does no extra or evening meetings, isn’t that a great idea? August is such a good month to slow down, take stock, take back control (if you’re anything like me!), to get some rest, get some family time and remember what a great gift time is. You will never have August 2023 back again, so enjoy every moment, being mindful of the gift you’ve got and remembering the pace you go, is up to you.

A prayer you might like to pray: Lord Jesus, you give endless strength and endless peace. Fill me afresh today with gratitude for the gift of time and mindfulness over what I choose to do with the gifts you have given to me. Amen
What’s on at All Saints Church?

Midweek Worship

Every Wednesday - 9:30am Holy Communion ** Please be aware all midweek worship will take place in the Church Hall during August while the church is being painted. Please also note Compline (Night Prayer) will not be running in August.**

On the first Wednesday of the month there is a short service of Holy Communion in the Church Hall at 3pm followed by refreshments - everyone is welcome, we always have new people joining us.

Sunday Services

6th - 9am Holy Communion, 10am All Age Service 6pm Evensong and 7pm refreshments for 7:30pm Prayer and Praise (relaxed)

13th - 10am Holy Communion

20th - 10am Holy Communion

27th - 10am ‘Church Under The Trees’ with Holy Communion - (shorter more informal service outside in the churchyard - bring a chair or blanket).

Everyone is welcome to join us for our services and we warmly encourage children. We have an area with books and toys for families or JaM (Jesus and Me) our children’s group, runs on Sundays in term-time too. Refreshments are served after every Sunday service in the Church Hall.

August Events and Seasonal Services

13th - Bring and Share lunch from 12:00 in the Church Hall.

20th - 7-8:30pm - Youth Group for those in Earls Barton who are 10-16yr old and interested in exploring faith. Contact myself or Sarah Howes for more information:

Please pray for…

Willow who is being baptised this month and Kelly and James who are having their wedding blessed this month. Please also pray for our school and all pupils and staff as they rest over the summer holiday. Finally, please pray for our new Bishop (we are hoping an announcement will come this month or soon about who it will be!).

Message from Catherine Johnson - Some of the choir members are singing at a Prayer Book Society Evensong service at 6pm on Sunday 13th August at Easton Maudit church. All are welcome at the service and refreshments will be served in the church afterwards.

A message from Helen Winrow, Church Warden

RIDE AND STRIDE Sat. Sept 9th 2023

An event organised by the Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust. (who have very kindly given us a grant towards the cost of the internal re-decorations).

Lots of churches around the county are open for people to visit on a sponsored walk or bike ride. You can plan your own route to fit your capabilities.

Our church will be open on the day for those taking part to visit.

For more info please contact Helen :,  01604 811410  or go to:



OPEN STUDIOS    Sept. 23rd and 24th in the Church Hall  -10am - 4pm

We are taking part in this event for the first time this year. Open Studios holds lots of event throughout the summer for artists to showcase their talents, and we are hosting one of them!

So please come along to have a browse and support the event.

We will be serving refreshments on both days, so if anyone is available to volunteer for a couple of hours on either day, please let me know. Alternatively donations of cakes will also be gratefully received.

Many thanks Helen:,  01604 811410 


Charity Coffee Morning - Saturday 2nd September 10.00 am to 12 noon.

11, Harrowick Lane Earls Barton. Tea, coffee, cakes, scones, tombola and various stalls. All proceeds to be split between:-

Thomas’s fund – giving sick children in Northamptonshire the chance to have music therapy in hospital or at home.

Emmaus – a charity providing a home and meaningful work for people who have experienced homelessness.

All welcome

If you can donate tombola prizes, cakes etc. please contact Jean on


Fairtrade News

Fairtrade Café & Secondhand Booksale on Saturday 12th August. We're delighted that we'll be joined by our local Wildlife Trust with all kinds of information for you, including their new 'Team Wilder' project.
Keep popping in to see our special summer offers & new stock…lots of tasty fairly produced groceries, new skincare & haircare products & beautifully ethical gifts & cards.  Enjoy chatting, browsing our products, & fresh coffee & yummy homemade cakes…All profits & donations go to the fairtrade charity 'Transform Trade.' Everyone welcome!  Nicola 07812 686944

The Tearfund Big Quiz Night is on its way… and you’re invited! So please save the date Saturday October 14th 7.15pm - your chance to gather friends & family together in teams of up to 6 people for an evening of poverty-busting, community-building fun. See you there! Martin, Sandra & Nicola

Wild@All Saints were very pleased that the sun was shining on the July day when our churchyard was visited by the judges from the Wildlife Trust and we now have to wait until October 23rd for the outcome! We're continuing to meet on some Monday evenings through the summer but do please contact us if you'd like to know more or offer occasional help. Please also see our display boards in church and signs around the churchyard for information about what we're doing. Nicola & Bob Smith 07891 413890

Greenbelt Festival 2023 - Some of us are planning to buy day tickets for this wonderful, local Christian festival which is celebrating it's 50th birthday this year. The festival main days are Friday 25th, Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th August (bank holiday weekend) and it takes place in the beautiful grounds of Boughton House near Kettering. There are activities & events for all ages so do have a look at their website

Some of us hope to be there on all of those days but if you prefer to visit just one day, there will be more of us there on the Saturday so it would be great to meet up for an ASEB picnic lunch! Do contact us if you'd like more info and if you're thinking of going. Nicola & Bob Smith  07812 686944



If you have an item you would like included in the monthly News Sheet for the Church Family, please forward in the first instance

I cannot guarantee items will be included as space is limited and I may have to precis your item. I will let you know if I cannot include any items and the reason behind the decision. Many thanks, Jill xx


September 23 Newsletter


July 23 Newsletter