October 23 Newsletter

A message from Revd. Jenny Bland, our Vicar:

This year at All Saints Church, we wanted to bring back ‘quiet days’, where we offered anyone from our community and church family the time and space to be more mindful and to intentionally put time aside to be with God.

This year in June we had our first quiet day in church on the theme of nature with a focus on trees, I wonder if you were able to make it? Then last month, we had our away quiet day at Turvey monastery—if you haven’t been, I can’t recommend it enough, it is such a special place and so peaceful. I’d advise booking so have a look at their website or do contact me if you want to know more about it or going on retreat in general.

It felt important to us as a church that our quiet days would be suitable for those who had never been on a quiet day before (or hadn’t even heard of one!), as well as for those who regularly went on retreat or spent time in silence. The day was led by Barton’s own Nicola from everydaymindfulnesswithnicolasmith.com, who taught us news ways of how mindfulness can be vital for self-care as well as good mental health and wellbeing. During the day, we practiced mindfulness for awareness, mindful walking, mindful eating and because of this, noticed how it affected us when walking around in creation and how it shaped our time with God in quiet. It released such a sense of well-being but also gratitude at the abundance of what God has given to us.

At the start of the day, a quote from the Buddhist teacher, Thich Naht Hahn, was used, expressing the gift of being mindful as ‘the sacrament of the present moment’. This spoke to me of the preciousness of this practice, for the sacraments in church are Holy Communion, where the bread and wine are blessed, consecrated, set apart for God to use in a special way. Likewise, baptism or christening, where we become set apart for God and acknowledge our place and belonging in God’s family. So then, how wonderful now to consider this moment as sacred, as set apart for God to speak to us, even now, in the quiet of this moment.

So for us this next month, how can your church help you to be more mindful, or to heighten your gratitude for what God has given us? Why not join us for our fun Harvest Festival, expressing gratitude for all our provisions? Or our Pet Blessing service, giving thanks for the animals in our lives? If you don’t fancy those, how about joining us for our women’s breakfast or our Amicorum concert in church, expressing gratitude for our world and all creation. This month, find a way to enjoy the sacrament of the present moment and the gifts all around us.

A prayer you might like to pray: Loving God, this moment and every moment is holy, sacred, a gift. In this moment of mindful prayer, help me to breathe in your Holy Spirit as I breathe out my worries and anxieties. May you help me to breathe in your Holy Spirit and breathe out my doubts. As I breathe in your Holy Spirit, I am aware of your love for me.



What’s on at All Saints Church?

Midweek Worship

Every Wednesday - 9:30am Holy Communion

On the first Wednesday of the month there is a short service of Holy Communion in the Church Hall at 3pm followed by refreshments - everyone is welcome, we always have new people joining us.

Sunday Services

1st - 9am Holy Communion, 10am Harvest Festival 6pm Evensong

8th - 10am Holy Communion, 3pm Pet Blessing service

15th - 10am Holy Communion

22nd - 10am Holy Communion

29th - 10am Holy Communion Bishop’s visit with Confirmation and Licensing of Grace Ogoe to the ministry of Lay Reader

Everyone is welcome to join us for our services and we warmly encourage children. We have an area with books and toys for families or JaM (Jesus and Me) our children’s group, runs on Sundays in term-time too. Refreshments are served after every 10am Sunday service in the church hall.

October Events and Seasonal Services

2nd - ‘Pints of View’, grab a pint and come talk about life, death and the universe. Meeting in The Old Swan from 8pm.

7th - ‘The Song of St Francis’ Amicorum Concert at All Saints Church, 7:30pm, tickets £10 (£8 concessions or u12 free)

8th - 3pm Pet and Animal blessing service

14th - Tearfund big Quiz in the church hall (teams of up to 6)

21st - Women’s Breakfast - 8:30am in the church hall with a focus on the environment

28th - Fairtrade Christmas Shopping evening in the church hall

5th November - 9am Holy Communion, 10am All Age, 4-6pm All Souls Event of Remembrance and Thanksgiving

Please pray for…

Our Diocese as a new Bishop is announced. Please also pray for our confirmation candidates: Hannah, Adam, Hayley, Alex and Sandra, and for Grace as she is licensed as a lay reader this month.


A Message from Revd. Chad, our Curate:

Harvest Festival - 10:00am Sunday 1st October

Please bring food donations for the Daylight Centre.

We will be reintroducing the very old tradition of preaching from the Tower! (We will be outside for 10 minutes, so dress for the weather). Everyone is encouraged to think about inviting a friend or neighbour. Contact Rev'd Chad if you have any questions or would like to be involved.

Big Winter Clothes Swap - after Church on 22nd October

On 22/10 after the Service (in the Church Hall), there will be an opportunity to save money and care for the environment by donating winter clothes (and other seasonal items) such as coats, warm jumpers, hot water bottles, wellies, umbrellas, Christmas jumpers, hats and scarves etc (but no undies please). Everyone is welcome to donate or take away as many items as they like - there is no cost. 

All items need to be clean and have plenty of life left in them. Please bring items to the church front door as you arrive, the children and young people will then take them and create a pop-up clothes shop in the Church Hall ready for coffee and cake after the service!

On the day, feel free to have a browse and take home items to wear this winter. No need to actually swap, just help yourself whether you have brought something or not. All leftover items will be donated to local charity shops


A Message from Helen, Church Warden

Gas Contract Renewal We have recently had to renew the gas contract, the best rate we could get being 2 times our old rate.

This means the cost of gas for the church will increase from approx. £1600 to £3200 per annum.

The hall gas will also increase from approx. £1000 to £2000 per annum.

We may need to consider increasing our hire rates for the hall, but the increased costs for the church will have to come out of our general budget.

So please don't complain if it is a bit chilly sometimes!


Thank you so very much !!! to all those who either helped serve refreshments, or donated cakes, for the Soap Box Derby day, and the Open Studio Weekend, and for those who enabled the Church to be open for the Soap Box Derby.

As a result, we raised:

At the Soapbox Derby, from refreshments and the church being open, £378.

Over the two days of the Open Studios event, £279


Looking forward -

CHRISTMAS (yes it is that time already)

We are holding our annual festival weekend on December 9th/10th.

We have decided to make things a little different this year so rather than just having trees, we are renaming it "Christmas Festival" and inviting group, organisations and businesses to contribute a display with a Nativity Theme.

So it could still be a tree decorated in stars or angels, for example, or it could be a manikin dressed as a king, a picture of the Nativity, or the Nativity made out of pasta -whatever people's imaginations come up with!

If you know of anyone who would like to take part, who hasn't already been contacted please contact Helen Winrow.

Such an event requires a HUGE amount of organising and volunteers, BUT THERE IS OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERYONE TO CONTRIBUTE!

Thursday 7th December, hopefully the Floral Society will be coming into church to decorate the pillars and window cills - anyone welcome to join in. - point of contact - Helen Winrow

Friday 8th - all the contributors will be bringing their exhibits into the church- volunteers needed to be on duty to help place the exhibits. - point of contact Helen Winrow

Saturday 9th  -volunteers will be needed to act as Stewards in the church and sell raffle tickets - (2 hour slots throughout the day) - point of contact Helen Winrow

We are thinking of making up food hampers for raffle prizes  -volunteer needed to organise - donations of food needed for hampers - please contact Helen Winrow to volunteer.

 Saturday 9th - in the hall  - n the morning is the Christmas Market,  - if you would like a stall or are able to donate cakes for refreshments please contact - Amanda Mayne

We would like to have a tombola stall at the Christ Market - volunteers needed to run the stall on the morning, and donations of items for tombola also needed  -please bring to church whenever you have the chance.

Saturday 9th  -in the hall - in the afternoon the Ukes of Earl will be performing, and possibly the puppet show (TBC) - A volunteer is required to organise afternoon refreshments - plus volunteers will be needed to serve refreshments. Please contact Helen Winrow to volunteer.

Saturday 9th -    Amicorum festive Concert - evening -in the church  -look out for posters and contacts for tickets.

Sunday 10th  -  volunteers will be needed to act as Stewards in the church and sell raffle tickets - (2 hour slots throughout the day) - point of contact Helen Winrow

Sunday 10th - in the hall - noon until 4pm - nothing planned - but very open to suggestion!

Monday 11th -   evening in the church - Concert by the Albion Band - see separate poster - volunteers needed to act as stewards and man the bar

So, if you have time, please volunteer to help out, if you can bake, please volunteer cakes, if you can donate items for the tombola, or food items for the raffle hampers you can contribute in that way

The whole event can be a fantastic way for us to come together as a church family and reach out into our community, so please help in ways that you fee able.

Many thanks Helen Winrow


A Message from Charlotte Nobbs

Cakes for Earls Barton Primary School

We love to bless our school because they are blessing the children and families of our community.  We send cakes into the school staff to thank them for all they are doing.  They have just had an Ofsted and could do with our blessing as they approach half term with a card of thanks.  If you would like to buy or makes some refreshments before half term, please let Charlotte know.  It would be during the week of 16th October.

Nativity Puppets

Last year we had a wonderful time sharing the Nativity story through the puppet show in nurseries, during the Christmas tree festival, in school and the library.  We would love to do similarly this year, and would love to know who might like to be on team?  We have a new look puppet theatre (a table and a backdrop) and potentially new puppets (although we could use the same ones from last year too).  There is a film here to show you what it looks like here https://youtu.be/tfIsqZA1G-o   Go on – you know you’d like to be involved! Please let Charlotte Nobbs know if you would like to be on team 07772816990 or charlotte.nobbs@peterborough-diocese.org.uk

Simply Christmas Tuesday 3rd October, 7-9pm

Would you like to gather some really good Christmas resources so that we can share the good news of Jesus over December? Do consider joining Charlotte and a great core team for ‘Simply Christmas’ on Tuesday 3rd October at St Michael’s Parish Rooms, Silverstone, 7-9pm.  It is a great way to do our planning for Christmas.  It is a great way to think about how we might build relationships with children and families beyond Christmas too. 

(message from Jill – please ask Charlotte for a leaflet if you would like to know more)


A message from Catherine Johnson

Christmas is coming and the choir needs YOU!  We will be beginning rehearsals for the service of lessons and carols on FRIDAY 3rd NOVEMBER from 6.30pm - 7.30pm in church.  All are welcome to come and swell the choir numbers for this lovely service, which includes both traditional and modern carols, and some choir-only items.  The service will be on Sunday 17th December at 6pm.



The Tearfund Big Quiz Night is on its way… and you’re invited! Saturday October 14th 7.15pm - your chance to gather friends & family together in teams of up to 6 people for an evening of poverty-busting, community-building fun. See you there! Suggested minimum donation per person: £5
Please book your teams with us & let us know when you've donated to our Tearfund Big Quiz Just Giving page (we'll send you the link!) so we can confirm your booking. Please do contact us even if you don't have a team as we'll work it all out on the night....See you there!    Martin, Sandra & Nicola 07812 686944

Fairtrade Christmas Shopping Evening on Saturday 28th October from 7.30pm @ All Saints Church Hall

10% off purchases & orders made on the night * fairtrade wine & juice * tastings of new products & fairtrade recipes for you to try  * lots of space to browse our new products *Everyone welcome!

New Autumn Winter Season We’re really looking forward to showing off our lovely new seasonal products & our Christmas cards ready to go too. This year they’re being produced by our linked charity ‘Transform Trade’ so all the proceeds from the cards will go direct their wonderful work making trade work better for everyone, along with other donations & profits from our evening  https://www.transform-trade.org  We’re adding something extra for our shopping evening this year and will be preparing 1 or 2 deliciously ethical recipes for you to taste, using some of our fairtrade products, so do come ready to try something new & of course we’ll help you find the right products from our shop for you to try things out at home…


Our 'Women’s Breakfast' is back! 8.30am Saturday 21st October, All Saints Church Hall with a talk by our curate Chad on 'Forest Church'

If you haven’t been before, we start with continental style breakfast, (including bacon rolls…) with plenty of time to chat followed by the talk from around 9am. We’re usually finished by around 10am. To help us with the catering arrangements (& do please let us know any dietary requirements), contact us beforehand if you’d like to attend - Nicola on 07812 686944 or Sandra on 07979 961902


December 23 Newsletter


September 23 Newsletter