January 23 Newsletter

Note from Jenny

Happy new year to you! As we continue to celebrate Christmas and Epiphany, may you know God's blessing, closeness and presence with you this year and always. I do hope you'll be able to join us for many services and events this year as we celebrate what God is doing in our lives and in our community. 

What’s on at All Saints Church? 

Midweek Worship 

Every Wednesday - 9:30am Holy Communion and 8:30pm Compline (Night Prayer) in church. 

On the first Wednesday of the month there is a short service of Holy Communion in the Church Hall at 3pm followed by refreshments - everyone is welcome, we always have new people joining us. 

Sunday Services 

1st - 9am Holy Communion, 10am All Age Service (no Evensong or Prayer and Praise this month)

8th - 10am Holy Communion

15th - 10am Holy Communion

22nd - 10am Holy Communion

29th - 10am Holy Communion 

Everyone is welcome to join us for our services. We warmly welcome children and families. Refreshments are served after every Sunday service in the Church Hall.

January Events 

24th - The ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity’ this year is 18th-25th Jan and we will be delighted to celebrate with Earls Barton Methodist this week on 24th from 10am-12pm at the Methodist Hall. 

Please pray for… Our lay and ordained leaders and the PCC as we discern where God might be calling us to this year. 

Bellringing Report as follows.

Thanks to all the members of the Earls Barton Band who rang for all the extra services over the Christmas period. But. Christmas Day morning the band namely Gaynor, Matthew, Mike H., Simon, Josh and myself rang TEN courses of a ringing method called Grandsire beating our previous best by a full three courses. WOW! And if you want to know what it felt like then think of the feelings of Maverick and Rooster landing their F16 at the end of the latest Maverick Top Gun film and then dip it in chocolate and you're somewhere near!! Well done team... Andy.

Fairtrade News:

Thank you for all your support in 2022, we had a very busy December including Christmas Eve this year! So we're giving our volunteers a break until the new year but please join us when we re-open for our first fairtrade cafe of 2023:

Saturday 14th January  10 -1pm in the church hall

We have some special sale offers in the shop, homemade cakes, fresh coffee and our secondhand booksale.

Could you make shopping more ethically your new year's resolution for 2023, even if it's changing just 1 or 2 regular purchases to fairtrade or organic?

2023 is a special year for our shop as it will be our 10th anniversary! So please save the date for our first special event in the evening on Saturday 11th March...more information coming soon.


Work for a Ukrainian refugee

If you know of, or hear of, a possible job as a receptionist or admin assistant, could you contact me? A lady (2 children) in the village has not yet managed to find a job where her organisational and IT skills would be useful. Simon (07795 512091)


Church Warden Report

The Tree Festival and Christmas Market made £1200 for church funds. We do not yet have a total for the Christingle collection, but will let you know when we do.

There were so many people involved in the various Christmas events and we send out a HUGE thank you to them all!!

The Future

In 2023 we would like to hold more concerts and arts events in the church. We are happy to pay for "acts", but the event will need to be self-funding. If anyone has any suggestions please let us know!


February 23 Newsletter


December 22 Newsletter